date: 2018/12/19
I want to show a multi-overlap using PLC command but the overlap does not appear.
Check the following points:
- Multi-overlap (icon)
is not place on the screen.
- Multi-overlap setting (icon) is not correct.
- Macro commands are not correct.
- To show multi-overlap using a switch, please click here .
- To show multi-overlap using PLC command, please click here .
- Go to [Home] or [Parts] > [Multi-overlap] and place a multi-overlap icon.
This icon still works when you place it outside editing area of the screen. - Double-click the multi-overlap icon and sselect [Multi] from [Overlap Setting] and select [Control Device] from [Display Method] pulldown box.
- E.g.) Multi-overlap icon is set as below:
・Control device: M0
・Device for Overlap Library No. to Display: D101
To show the overlap library No. 3:
1) Enter "3" to D101 (Device for Overlap Library No. to Display).
2) Set the control device M0 to ON.
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